Buy Practicum || Course: 1.4.10 (Creating an Inclusive School) || Bengali, English & Hindi

Practicum Topic:  Collection of data regarding children with special needs from Municipal records.
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
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Practicum Topic:  Visit to Inclusive Schools and to observe classroom transaction of any one of such school in West Bengal and make a report of the same.
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages)
Practicum Topic:   Identifying one/two pupils with special needs in the primary schools and preparing a profile of these pupils.
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages)
Practicum Topic: Preparation of teaching aids, toys, charts, flash cards for children having any one type of disability (Visit to Resource Room)
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages)
Practicum Topic: Preparation of Learning Design, instruction material for teaching students with disability in inclusive School.
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages)
Practicum Topic: Preparation of Learning Design, instruction material for teaching students with disability in inclusive School.
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages)
Practicum Topic: Case Study of one main streamed (Inclusive) student – (A) Role of a Parent.(B) Role of a teacher: Special School Teacher, General School Teacher (C) Role of Counsellor
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages)
Practicum Topic: Visits to different institutions dealing with different disabilities and their classroom observation.
Course: 1.4.10, Creating an Inclusive School
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages)
To learn about practicum or to prepare it based on points, contact this number on WhatsApp. (প্র্যাকটিকাম সম্পর্কে জানতে বা পয়েন্ট অনুযায়ী প্র্যাকটিকাম তৈরি করতে হোয়াটসঅ্যাপে এই নাম্বারে যোগাযোগ করুন।)
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