Buy Practicum || Course: 1.4.6 (Gender, School & Society) || Bengali, English & Hindi

Visit school and study the sexual abuse and sexual harassment cases.
Practicum Topic:  Visit schools and study the sexual abuse and sexual harassment cases.
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
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Text Book Analysis for Identifying Gender Issues, Gender Biases Reflected in it.
Practicum Topic:  Textbook analysis for identifying gender issues, gender biases reflected in it. 
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
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To undertake study of sex ratio and analysis of a local community ( at least 10 families)
Practicum Topic:  To undertake study of sex ratio and analysis of a local community (at least 10 families).
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
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Develop an awareness programme for female infanticide and foeticide, child marriages, dowry.
Practicum Topic: Develop an awareness programme for female infanticide and foeticide, child marriages, dowry.Street play, poster, documentary, PowerPoint presentation.
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PPT (PowerPoint Presentation) & PDF
Price: 20/- to 50/- Rs
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Prepare presentation on laws related to rape, dowry, remarriage, divorce, property inheritance, trafficking etc.
Practicum Topic: Prepare presentation on laws related to rape, dowry, remarriage, divorce, property inheritance, trafficking etc.
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PPT (PowerPoint Presentation) & PDF 
Price:  (20/- to 50/-) Rs 
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Debate on women reservation bill.
Practicum Topic: Debate on women reservation bill.
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
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Group activities on domestic violence and other personal issues and its remedies.
Practicum Topic: Group activities on domestic violence and other personal issues and its remedies.
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
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Visits to institution like WSRC, dowry prohibition cell, women help line, NGO working for women etc.
Practicum Topic: Visit to institution like WSRC, dowry prohibition cell, women help line, NGO working for women etc. 
Course: 1.4.6, Gender, School & Society
Category: PDF
Price: 15/- Only
Demo: Bengali, English, Hindi
Buy this Practicum (Available in 3 Language)
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